Books I am currently reading

  • An Earth User's Guide to Permaculture - Rosemary Morrow
  • Autobiography of Jawahar Lal Nehru
  • Environmental Law Handbook
  • Plants of the Pacific Northwest - Pojar and Mackinnon

16 January 2008

Green-Legged Banshee Foetus

Green-Legged Banshee Foetus

Inside every reflection
A reverse manifestation
Choreographed to apply
To the nature of thought
This canvas is drying
But still blurring as we move
My thoughts and I

Funny, things that destroy
An image like thought
In plants; implants; planted in us
Grown with pious soil
Potatoes spud gravity roots
Attatching to
Swans and sky larks
Attatching to
Advertised information
Torn from a picture book

Faces recognize you
Before you do them
And this face in the mirror

25 March 2005

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