Books I am currently reading

  • An Earth User's Guide to Permaculture - Rosemary Morrow
  • Autobiography of Jawahar Lal Nehru
  • Environmental Law Handbook
  • Plants of the Pacific Northwest - Pojar and Mackinnon

23 January 2010

Carpe Dium (lyrics)

I once was a begger
I once was a thief
Asked for some time
And I stole some relief

An arbitrary manuscript to parch what is meant
Then the moment slips away and this is what
Is left

There once was a steamboat
On course with the song
The change that it carried
The same all along

I once was a hero
Once was diseased
Saved all of mankind
Then died
Sick at sea...

05 March 2008

Laundry Day Haiku

Laundry Day Haiku

My body it spins
Without me there to help it
So I let it run

Identity dries
Kombucha keeps on living
A liquid soul cleanse

She has many clothes
Articles for little ones
They tumble the same

Tiled floors are like stilts
Keeping you above the Earth
I want to fall down

04 March 2008

20 February 2008

Smiling and Suffering

स्मिलिंग एंड सुफ्फेरिंग

She had gritty teeth
And a stagger to her step
The colors she wore
Subdued rainbows
Although they were worn to tatters
With rips under each armpit
From lifting her arms so often
To beg for food

She didn't wear underwear
Hadn't since she was a child
It makes it easier
To squat
On the side of a road, a field,
or a shady grove

Her hair down to her waist
Oils practically drip, dripping
From every split end

She carried a small tin plate
For marigolds
And a bowl for change

She had God in her eyes
So vibrant and alive
But she was smiling and suffering
And trying to get by

When she bent over to touch my feet
A simple blessing
Her back may have cracked
From age
But it didn't show

When she blessed me
And received my offering
Her smile doubled
Her head bowed

The first fruit she'd had all day

She could really make love
Not in the Western sense
Not as in the 36 chapters of the Kama Sutra

She could make love out of necessity
Out of Nothingness
Out of Simplicity

And that's what made her beautiful
Beyond smiles

13 February 2008

The Bean

The Bean

Beans, beans, the magical fruit
The more you eat the more you
Ingest a fibrous substance
Fueling your cerebral cortex
With the function X
Providing instantaneous growth
To every cell in your body

Can that bean inside your being
Possibly be unwilling
To reveal its true intent
Is it scared as chicken shit
That your insides might be bare as a back in California
And cannot decide whether to hide
Or bury its roots in your liver
Fool around with your kidneys
Rendezvous in your genitals
And fiddle with the voluptuous rolls
On your tummy

Is it aware that starving kids in Africa
WILL eat that left over bean from your plate
Because that's about as little as this thriving country
Is willing to help them?

Lest you finish it...

Then competition sets in

The hairs on your tongue
Stand at attention
Esophagus contracts
Just a tad
Before giving birth to a seed
Ready to expand
Like a freshly squeezed sponge

The acids in your belly churn
Getting the defense set
While your bowels twist another inch
Setting up boards to brave
The tornado of winds spinning like
Spiral circles
Through dry land

Yeah, these beans can fight
A vegetarian's contradiction
These guys have gusto and brawn
Not to mention protein and vitamin B12
These beans are just as alive as any

cow or bird

bird or bee

bee or yak


And you'll be able to count each bean
As it wrestles its way back up
The porcelain laughing at your lost luggage
Never eat fried Mexican food and bad tequila

10 February 2008


पिन प्रिच्क
This is a mid-life crisis
And befuddled am I
As to why it lands at such an early
Twenty three

A raven perched on the passenger seat of time
Sitting but moving like emotion
Of which many come to mind

Birthed and bewildered
Breathe, see, eat, heart beat
Feeling a fickle fascination
As it is hard to distinguish
One puree from the next

Disattatched from umbilical dependence

By five I'd experienced five cities

Kissed my cousin at seven

Nearly drown at ten

I saw boobs at a punk rock show at fourteen
Filled with determination to start
A band of my own

I smoked marijuana
Out of my girlfriends tampon container
Drank my first beer
Lost my sweet cherry at sixteen

Tried to choke myself to sleep at seventeen

I graduated high school
Became an adult

Had a cop pull a gun on my
Hallucination opened eyes
With complacence in my mind
Only a month later to find
What life really was

But after running the gamut
Experimenting cities
Mountain passes
And God too

I stare the future in the eyes

Perhaps routine is everyone's demise
Rolling in the splendor of taking back time
For tradition

When we have tried it all
We choose consistent bricks
To shatter our reflections
And keep them at our toes

A cheers to a life we might have chose
A pinprick's length in time
That this tailor could sew
Imagination Strewn quilts
That look like a throw
On the back of a couch
To hide it's blemishes

I choose red
Because beets bleed
But stay sweet

I could try my hand at molding laws
That keep us steadily
Or a band of gypsies
To keep music
The beat that bleeds
But stays sweet
On rhythm
And sharp on time

A tart drink with lime
Begging instead for wine
To make age feel well adorned
With an aromatic inhalation
Escalating one back to breathing
In line

But my crisis remains

And I rectify my fears through love's inconsistencies
And life's multiplicities
And recipes for change
That will continue
Seeking solace
Inside of my bodily sanctuary
Through the next pinprick

28 January 2008

short poem

Skeletons of spiders
Hold inside of them
Every rainy day

Just as the rain itself
Gives skeletons
The appearance of

03 February 2007

I created all things

I Created All Things

I created all things
And distilled philosophy
With such ingenuity
That it pains me to know
I created all things
So celebrate me
And my instability
So rejoice
I created war for you
And love for me
I made decay for you
And birth for me
I'm a great excuse
So just have faith
That I will permeate
Your problem
Destroying it so effectively
That it pains me to know
It wasn't me at all
I created minds for me
And a heart for you

26 December 2006